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List Agents shortcode

With „List Agents“ shortcode you can create a list of your agents. There are several filtering methods available for this shortcode:

  • by action category (ex: Agents specialized in Sales, Rent)
  • by category (ex Agents specialized in houses, commercial etc)
  • by city (ex Agents in New York)
  • by area (ex Agents in Manhattan)
  • you can randon order them

Also you can pick the number of agents you want to display – in the example below we chose 3.

Niels Schnatz

Niels Schnatz gründete 2012 die Immobilienagentur AB Berlin Immobilien. Daraus wurde die A ...

Jack London

commercial broker
As an award-winning Realtor ® and CEO of The Egypt Sherrod Real Estate Group, Egypt’s dail ...

Donna Albo

middle management
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suff ...

Vergleiche Einträge